Omega Alpha Sinew-X 1L

by Omega Alpha
$44.50 CAD
INGREDIENTS: D-Glucosamine Sulphate MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane) Notopterygium incisum Ledeboutielle divaricata Gentiana macrophylla

Loading Dose: 30 cc twice daily for 7 to 10 days.
Maintenance Dose: 30 cc daily.

30 cc contains:
D-Glucosamine Sulphate……..5000 mg
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane…….....3500 mg
Ledebouriella divaricata…….…2000 mg
Notopterygium incisum…….….2500 mg
Gentiana macrophylla………….2000 mg

Sinew-X™ is manufactured under strict GMP standards. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat health conditions. We always recommend consultation with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis.

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