ThinLine Perfect Fit Protection Half Pad
- Ultimate protection for both horse and riders back
- Provides maximum shock absorption without altering saddle fit or rider feel.
- Improves rider equitation.
- Tailored and discrete.
- Open-cell technology creates breathability.
- Product durability – can last up to 7-10 years.
- Supple, it molds for a custom fit when warmed to body temperature.
- Non-slip.
This pad features ThinLine’s trademark open-cell foam, connected by a breathable, flexible mesh spine band. The spine band creates excellent wither and gullet clearance while keeping the shock-absorbing support right where it’s needed.
Intentionally created for well-fitting saddles, this pad will not alter a fit; it will enhance it by providing horses and riders with the best protection. The ThinLine Perfect Fit Pad works beautifully with dressage and jumping saddles alike.