The Funky Unicorn Gastric Support Chews

by The Funky Unicorn
$44.00 CAD

Gastric Support Antacid Chews from Funky Unicorn are made specifically for horses in stressful situations. Horses produce up to 16 gallons of stomach acid daily and if not properly buffered, they can begin to feel the corrosive effects quickly. Gastric Support Chews are intended to help minimize gastric irritation at the immediate time of stress by helping to reduce gastric pH levels.

  • Tasty, Easy to Feed
  • Helps Minimize Gastric Irritation
  • Works Quickly
  • 7-oz Resealable Bag
  • Mint 

Gastric Support Antacid Chews were created by an FEI veterinarian for the specific purpose buffering and neutralizing gastric acid before and during stressful situations. Stressful situations for horses include shipping, training, changing locations, or a change in their eating habits. Horses love eating Gastric Support Antacid Chews as a treat. They are safe for horses of all ages and are USEF/FEI show safe.

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